Data protection Act can’t be enforced without commissioner

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia has yet to enforce the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2010, which was passed and gazetted last year.

The reason is because a commissioner has not been appointed to enforce the law which protects personal data from being misused or sold for commercial purposes.

“The law is in place and the commissioner is the authority to enforce it. But this has yet to be established,” said Universiti Malaya law lecturer Prof Abu Bakar Munir.

Under the PDPA, the public’s personal data cannot be sold or used for commercial purposes without their consent.

But without a commissioner, the people cannot seek redress if they find their personal data has been sold.

Even lodging a report with the police would not help, said Prof Abu Bakar, who is an expert in data protection law and was instrumental in helping to draw up the PDPA.

He said the delay could have an impact on direct foreign investment and Malaysia’s free trade agreements with other Countries.

Source: The Star Newspaper





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