Tag: Seksyen 114a

  • Netizens v the Government

    2012 saw the intensified battle between netizens and the authorities. The former desires protection of their right to freedom of expression and anonymity whereas the latter desires control and governance. Through this battle, the authorities introduced many new legislations to govern the use of internet. In July 2012, the Malaysian Government enforced s. 114A of…

  • GE13 Candidates and 114A

    Published on LoyarBurok on 16 April 2013. I am no expert in election laws but GE13 Candidates should take note of this. If you are running a blog, I suggest you moderate or close the comments section until and after the 13th General Election. The reason why I say so is because s.114A(1) of the…

  • PDPA: Businesses have responsibilities and burdens

    I was invited to contribute to a monthly column in Digital News Asia which I named it as Bread & Kaya. The column will have legal news relating to intellectual property, cyberlaws, franchise, data privacy and the like. My first article “PDPA: Businesses have responsibilities and burdens” was published on 31 December 2012. Dec 31,…

  • Grave repercussions for internet users

    Published on LoyarBurok on 24 April 2012. Dissecting the presumption of fact relating to publication in the controversial new Bill. TheĀ Evidence (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2012Ā was one of the bills rushed and passed by the Parliament recently. Minister in the Prime Ministerā€™s Department, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz, when winding up the Evidence (Amendment) Bill…