Tag: loyarburok

  • GE13 Candidates and 114A

    Published on LoyarBurok on 16 April 2013. I am no expert in election laws but GE13 Candidates should take note of this. If you are running a blog, I suggest you moderate or close the comments section until and after the 13th General Election. The reason why I say so is because s.114A(1) of the…

  • What happened to Teoh Beng Hock’s Right to Privacy?

    First published on LoyarBurok This is perhaps one of the many issues raised in the Teoh Beng Hock Royal Commission Report (“TBHRCI”) that did not receive wide attention. I have read a few commentaries on TBHRCI but I did not see anyone raising the issue of privacy in the interrogation of Mr Teoh Beng Hock…

  • Internet Service Provider Liability Act: Do we need one?

    An analysis of the potential repercussions of the proposed Internet Service Provider Liability Act. Recently, The Star reported that the Malaysian Parliament will be tabling the ISP Liability Act (”Act”). According to The Star, the Act makes internet service providers (ISPs) responsible for curbing online piracy. The ISP will be fined if they don’t take…

  • Quick, throw your CDs away! There’s a roadblock!

    First published on LoyarBurok on 2 November 2010 For the past few months, an email has been circulating alleging that police and the enforcement division of the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry’s (now the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives And Consumerism) have started operations to search and fine anyone who keeps pirated discs inside…