Tag: Jac sm Kee
Changes to Evidence Act will ‘chill ICT growth’
In my effort to lobby for the withdrawal of the Evidence (Amedment) (No. 2) Act 2012, The Edge Daily reported the following:- Changes to Evidence Act will ‘chill ICT growth’ by theedgemalaysia.com on Thursday, 28 June 2012 09:00 KUALA LUMPUR: The recent amendments to the Evidence Act 1950 will have a “chilling effect” on the country’s development of…
Internet: Guilty until proven innocent
Following from the forum “Section 114A Evidence Act: Crime-busting or Online Control?” organised by Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ), Selangor Times reported the following:- Writer: Basil Foo Published: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 KUALA LUMPUR: Internet users whose accounts are hacked into will be presumed guilty for unlawful online posts by the actual perpetrators under recent…
WiFi providers caught between Evidence Act, DBKL
Following from the forum “Section 114A Evidence Act: Crime-busting or Online Control?” organised by Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ), Malaysiakini reported the following:- WiFi providers caught between Evidence Act, DBKL By Koh Jun Lin Operators of the bigger Kuala Lumpur eateries might as well surrender to the authorities once Section 114(a) of the Evidence Act…
Public Forum – Section 114A Evidence Act: Crime-busting or Online Control?
I will be speaking at the above event today. The Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) is organising a public forum on the newly introduced Section 114(a) of the Evidence Act 1950 which has a huge impact on the average Internet user. Our panel of experts will discuss the amendment and its implication on online expression…