Tag: fake news

  • Screen recruits for informants programme, ex-IGP tells Putrajaya

    I was asked by FreeMalaysiaToday to comment on the Government programme called “Kita Demi Negara”, a national security programme which will recruit thousands of people to act as the home ministry’s “eyes and ears” on the ground. I said- Lawyer Foong Cheng Leong said false or incorrect reports would not only waste government resources but…

  • PM’s Telegram account hacked

    I was asked by FreeMalaysiaToday to comment about the effect of the hacking of the Prime Minister’s Telegram account. I said- Commenting on the matter, lawyer Foong Cheng Leong said the biggest concern in such incidents was the spread of misinformation and the scale of damage it causes. “If someone uses the account to spread…

  • BFM Podcast: A New Social Media Law

    Your browser does not support native audio, but you can download this MP3 to listen on your device. The government is thinking of having new legislation to curb social media misuse. We discuss what such laws could encompass. Produced by: Tasha FusilPresented by: Lee Chwi Lynn, Kelvin Yee


    The government is just about ready to roll out legislation that will crack down on fake news. We mull over what this means- will controlling the internet stifle our freedom to exchange information? And can these laws really help solve the issue of fake news? What is fake news? Produced by: Tasha FusilPresented by: Ezra…