Foong Cheng Leong | Articles

I am an advocate and solicitor of the High Court of Malaya and a registered trade mark, industrial designs and patent agent. I am also the author of the books, Compendium of Malaysian Intellectual Property Cases consisting of two (2) volumes, namely, trade marks and copyright and industrial designs, and Foong’s Malaysia Cyber, Electronic Evidence and Information Technology Law.

  • 各界需時間落實‧資料保護令或再延遲

    I was quoted by Sin Chew in the article below regarding the impending Personal Data Protection Act 2010. 雪蘭莪‧八打靈再也14日訊)為保護國人個人隱私的《2010年個人資料保護法令》一再展延生效,在寬限期於本月16日屆滿後,若該法令指南再有更動,生效日期將再展延。 個人資料保護局公關諾韓妮占對星洲日報說,現階段總檢察署正探討該法令的相關指南,若有任何更動,則該法令將不會於後日生效。 她受詢及《2010年個人資料保護法令》寬限期於16日屆滿一事指出,若總檢察署電子憲報(e-Federal Gazette)明日仍沒有公佈法令的實施日期,則法令有可能再展延生效。 諾韓妮占:瞭解公司需時執行 詢及該法令一再展延的原因,諾韓妮占透露,該局在諮詢公眾意見後,瞭解到各商家及公司需要時間執行該法令,因此才會展延。 “這個法令隨時可以實行,但牽涉其中的公司等需要時間擬定對策及整理資料,如確保所有客戶的資料是最新的等等,否則他們就是違反了該法令。” “若該法令確定在16日開始生效,通訊及多媒體部長拿督斯里阿末沙比里當天在吉打出席活動時就會做出公佈。” 個人資料保護局(JPDP)是通訊及多媒體部旗下的機構,主要協助保護人民的個人資料,並在所有用戶進行商業交易時,肩負監管個人資料的責任,確保遵守既定的條規。 她說,在該法令下,其中一項原則就是確保所有用戶資料是正確、最新及不具誤導性的。 已會見逾200電訊公司 個人資料保護局從2012年開始已陸續會見了約200家電訊公司及企業,而大部份公司也已瞭解有關法令。 她指出,根據該局進行的公眾諮詢調查,各公司及企業表示需要時間去適應該法令的7大原則。 “大部份大型公司已經通知了他們的客戶,並做出資料更新,但仍有一些小型企業還沒適應新法令。” 涉商業交易才有效 諾韓妮占強調,該法令在涉及商業交易的前提下才有效;而在法令生效後,用戶若要進行投訴,可投報至。 她解釋,由於必須遵從“通知原則”,因此若用戶收到行銷電話或行銷訊息,首先得通知對方本身沒有興趣,並要求對方刪除其個人資料(電話)。 “若對方再發出第二封訊息,你仍需通知對方,直到收到第三封相同的行銷訊息,你才可以進行投報。” 《個人資料保護法令》的7大原則 1.不可在未經當事人允許下,處理其私人資料(如宗教信仰、政治或性取向、身份證號碼、電話號碼、薪水單、評估報告等)。 2.“通知及選擇”原則:在處理資料前,必須通知並告知當事人採用其資料的目的及取得管道; 3.除非獲得當事人同意,否則不能透露其個人資料給第三者; 4.安全原則:資料使用者在處理他人個人資料時,必須確保資料沒被破壞、被更改、濫用、遺失或把資料傳給不相關人士; 5.存檔原則:不能長期持有他人的個人資料,因此在完成相關程序後,必須刪除或銷毀; 6.資料完整性:資料使用者必須確保他人個人資料是最新、正確、完整及不會令人混淆的; 7.允許原則:當事人有權更改及更新其個人資料。 陳嘉斌:指南不明確 商家多不瞭解新法令 另一方面,馬來西亞中華工商聯合會法律組副主任陳嘉斌律師透露,由於該法令的指南不明確,因此許多商家及企業仍不瞭解該法令。 他受詢時說,該商會針對這項法令已舉辦了多項講座,向商家及企業講解這項法令,惟遺憾的是會員反應不活躍。 “所以現在只有待法令實行後,扮演後續行動的角色,包括與政府溝通。” 他呼吁,若任何商家及企業面對問題,可瀏覽馬來西亞中華工商聯合會或隆雪總商會官網進行查詢。 他認為,這項法令的實施對各造都有好處,因為在不能濫用及購買用戶個人資料的情況下可保障個人隱私。 他說,該法令對商家肯定是有所影響,而商家必須在個人隱私及商業利益下做出平衡。 歐美早已落實 “這項法令一早已在歐美等國家實行,部份商家在無可避免下已開始瞭解這項法令,而我國的中小型企業也必須做好準備適應新法令。” 他強調,這項法令主要管制涉及商業交易的行動,如某公司售賣客戶的個人資料給另一家公司,而與員工提供個人資料給雇主的行為無關。…

  • Director General of the Malaysia Personal Data Protection Department

    According to the Facebook page of the Personal Data Protection Department (PDPA), the former Director General of the PDPD, Encik Abu Hassan bin Ismail has been reappointed as the Director General of the PDPD. I would like to congratulate Encik Abu Hassan bin Ismail for his reappointment.

  • Netizens v the Government

    2012 saw the intensified battle between netizens and the authorities. The former desires protection of their right to freedom of expression and anonymity whereas the latter desires control and governance. Through this battle, the authorities introduced many new legislations to govern the use of internet. In July 2012, the Malaysian Government enforced s. 114A of…

  • Enforcement of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010

    On 9 July 2013, the Bar Council Intellectual Property Committee and myself paid a courtesy visit to the Personal Data Protection Department at Putrajaya. We were received by the Deputy Director General of Personal Data Protection Department, Dr. Zainal Abidin Bin Sait and his team. In the meeting, we have been informed that, among others,…

  • How to use the NewCLJ as your English – Malay dictionary

    My latest article was published by CLJ under the citation [2013] 1 LNS(A) xvii. Last year, I published an article titled “How to use CLJ as your English – Malay dictionary”. As explained by the title, it was a short guide on how to use CLJ”s website,, to translate English words especially your legal…

  • Big NO to more social media control

    I was quoted by The Star in their article “Big NO to more social media control” on 14 June 2013. My opinion on the privacy is based on a South Korean case which held that a law requiring South Koreans to use their real names on Internet forums was unconstitutional. Big NO to more social…

  • Bread & Kaya: Using Facebook’s marks for your business

    Using Facebook’s marks for your business Foong Cheng Leong May 28, 2013 – To use a trademark (like a logo) legally, one must seek permission from the proprietor of the trademark – You can use Facebook’s trademarks without asking for express permission provided you satisfy its brand guidelines Bread & Kaya by Foong Cheng Leong…

  • BFM Podcast: New Regulations for Online Shopping

    Online cheating and internet scams are on the rise in Malaysia. In 2011, police figures showed a total of 1,879 online cheating cases, compared to 551 in 2009. New regulations are being implemented in July 2013 to help protect shoppers from being cheated, and Sharmila Sekaran and Mr. Foong Cheng Leong from Loyarburok talk to…

  • Enforcement of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010

    The Malaysian Reserve reported that no date has been set for the enforcement of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA). The newly appointed Communication and Multimedia Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek stated that the PDPA will be enforced as soon as possible. However, he declined to be more specific as to the exact…

  • The 5th theatre of war

    I was quoted by Prakash in an article published on Free Malaysia Today on 14 April 2013. The 5th theatre of war April 14, 2013 The key to preventing such massive debilitating attacks is to ensure nations have what is called Cyber Intelligence and Response Technology (CIRT) technology. By Prakash Cyber attacks, similar to the…