Foong Cheng Leong | Articles

I am an advocate and solicitor of the High Court of Malaya and a registered trade mark, industrial designs and patent agent. I am also the author of the books, Compendium of Malaysian Intellectual Property Cases consisting of two (2) volumes, namely, trade marks and copyright and industrial designs, and Foong’s Malaysia Cyber, Electronic Evidence and Information Technology Law.

  • Proposal Paper – Advisory Guideline Related to Consent Required under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010

    The Malaysia Personal Data Protection Commissioner (Commissioner) has published a proposal paper entitled, “Advisory Guideline Related to Consent Required under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010”. This proposal paper discusses the requirements of “consent” under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010. Any comments on the Proposal Paper may be submitted to the Commissioner before the…

  • Bread & Kaya: A look at Malaysian cyberlaw cases

    Bread & Kaya: A look at Malaysian cyberlaw cases Foong Cheng Leong Feb 17, 2014 – A summary of the plethora of Malaysian cases involving the online world in 2013 – The Government still needs to look at legislation to address many other issues Bread & Kaya by Foong Cheng Leong I HAVE been summarising…

  • 【更新】免權益受影響‧消費人應回覆通知書

    I was quoted by Sin Chew Daily in this article “【更新】免權益受影響‧消費人應回覆通知書“. 【更新】免權益受影響‧消費人應回覆通知書 2014-03-04 (雪蘭莪‧八打靈再也3日訊)個人資料保護局和法律界都促請消費人在收到資料用戶(data user)的通知書後,履行個人義務,主動聯絡相關公司,表明同意或不同意個人資料被使用,而非置之不理,以免權益受到影響。 2010年個人資料保護法令自去年11月15日起生效,它要求處理個人資料的公司如商業銀行、電訊公司、房地產商等,在限期內通知客戶,告知已收集的個人資料用途,而客戶若有異議,則不能再使用他們視為隱私的資料。 近期大小公司紛紛寄出通知書給消費人,但大部份人選擇忽視或不採取進一步行動,等於授權給相關公司繼續使用其資料。 馮正良:有異議者個別處理 吉隆坡律師公會資訊工藝及出版委員會主席馮正良表示,被視為資料用戶的各大公司擁有成千上萬的個人資料,他們沒有辦法一一等每位消費人同意後,才使用他們的資料。 “這樣的方法不可行,要等每個人同意可能沒辦法做生意,因此他們採取的方式,是寄發通知書給消費人,告知法令所要求的事務,然後有異議者再個別處理。” 他說,如果消費人已表明不願個人資料被使用,過後卻繼續接收到電話等訊息,可直接向個人資料保護局投訴。 馮正良認為,受2010年個人資料保護法令規範,影響最大的行業分別為電訊業和銀行業,業者擁有大量個人資料,如今要一一通知。 所謂個人資料包括名字、身份證號碼、電話號碼、住址、電郵等,而許多消費人投訴個人資料外泄或被轉賣給第三方的行銷公司,常接到來歷不明的促銷電話或手機簡訊,而上述法令7項原則中,最重要的一項是不可在未經當事人允許下,處理其私人資料。 個人資料保護局續辦醒覺運動 此外,個人資料保護局發言人表示,該局未來將陸續舉辦更多消費人醒覺運動,說明個人權益,減少個人資料被用作商業用途的機率。 她也促請消費人採取主動,在收到通知書後,若不願意個人資料被繼續使用,就聯絡相關公司表達意願。 “不要怕麻煩。” 草擬個人資料保護指南 另一方面,個人資料保護局也積極在收集各界的意見和回饋,準備草擬遵守2010年個人資料保護指南。 任何資料用戶或個人,若對法令及草擬中的指南有意見,歡迎以書面方式在3月20日以前提出建議。 相關信件除了可寄至布城通訊部6樓的個人資料保護局外,也能電郵至。 此外,該局也提醒那些被列入資料用戶分類通令,但至今仍未登記的資料用戶,儘快隨表格一起提呈延誤解釋信。 資料用戶群組指令所闡明的11個在商業交易中使用個人資料的領域為通訊、銀行及金融機構、保險、醫療保健、旅遊及酒店、交通、教育、直銷、服務、房地產及公用設施,有關登記期限已在上個2月15日截止。 消聯:蒐集分享個人資料 須消費者“明確同意” 馬來西亞消費人協會聯合會首席執行員拿督保羅西華促請個人資料保護委員會,在有關法令中明文規定資料用戶公司需獲得消費者的“明確同意”,否則將不被允許蒐集、利用或分享消費者個人資料。 他今日受訪時表示,無論資料用戶公司通過何種管道告知消費者該公司的隱私權政策,消費者應被給予明確選擇同意或不同意其個人資料被收集、使用或披露給第三方,簽署白紙黑字的同意書是其中一個例子。 他表示,該會不能接受企業通過“默許同意”或“選擇退出”的同意行使模式,企圖取巧地避開有關法令的限制。 他說,2010年個人資料保護法令的第一原則就是“不可在未經當事人允許下,處理其私人資料。”,企業現在的做法已違反該法令的精神。 他認為,個人資料保護委員會必須明文規定所謂“同意”必須是“明確同意”,而任何形式的`默許同意’都不被允許,才能解決目前的狀況。 (星洲日報/報道:盧慧菁)

  • Personal Data Protection Act 2010: Our details are worth protecting

    I was quoted by Rakyat Post in their article “Personal Data Protection Act 2010: Our details are worth protecting. Personal Data Protection Act 2010: Our details are worth protecting The Personal Data Protection Act 2010 intends to protect personal data and stop it from being distributed. THE Personal Data Protection Act 2010 is necessary because…

  • Proposal Papers – Guideline on Compliance for Personal Data Protection Act and Guide on the Management of Employee Data Under Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2010

    The Malaysia Personal Data Protection Commissioner (Commissioner) has published two (2) proposal papers namely:- (1) Guideline on Compliance for Personal Data Protection Act [No 2/2013]; and (2) Guide on the Management of Employee Data Under Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2010 [No 3/2013]. The Proposal Paper No 2/2014 sets out the proposed steps to be…

  • Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee 2013 / 2014 & Malaysian Bar Ad Hoc Committee on Personal Data Protection

    I am pleased to announce that I have been elected as a committee member of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for the year 2014 / 2015. I will be chairing the Kuala Lumpur Information Technology and Publications Committee. I am also appointed as a co-chairperson of the Malaysian Bar Ad Hoc Committee on Personal Data…

  • Guide to complete the Form 15 (Registration of Data User) pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010

    Commencing from January 2016, all data user registrations are done via online at This is a guide I wrote for lawyers on how to complete the Data User Registration Form (Form 15) Guide to complete the Form 15 (Registration of Data User) pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 As stated by the…

  • Guide in Dealing with Direct Marketing under Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2010

    The Personal Data Protection Commissioner has issued the Proposal Paper [No .1/2014] – Guide in Dealing with Direct Marketing under Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2010. The Commissioner has invited feedback and opinion in respect of the matters raised in the Proposal Paper and shall be submitted before 20 February 2014. Download: Proposal Paper

  • Commission denies blocking access to BBC’s ‘kangkung’ article

    I was quoted by Digital News Asia in the article “Commission denies blocking access to BBC’s ‘kangkung’ article” Commission denies blocking access to BBC’s ‘kangkung’ article JANUARY 16, 2014 The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has denied it had blocked access to a BBC report on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s “kangkung” remark.…

  • Net censorship: BBC story on kangkung fiasco blocked?

    I was quoted in Digital News Asia’s article “Net censorship: BBC story on kangkung fiasco blocked? Net censorship: BBC story on kangkung fiasco blocked? Gabey Goh Jan 16, 2014 – Netizens report difficulty accessing BBC article on PM Najib’s kangkung calamity – Fears raised over violation of MSC Malaysia’s no-censorship of Internet guarantee NETIZENS in…