Foong Cheng Leong | Articles

I am an advocate and solicitor of the High Court of Malaya and a registered trade mark, industrial designs and patent agent. I am also the author of the books, Compendium of Malaysian Intellectual Property Cases consisting of two (2) volumes, namely, trade marks and copyright and industrial designs, and Foong’s Malaysia Cyber, Electronic Evidence and Information Technology Law.

  • Battle of the Satay Celup Restaurants

    Ban Lee Siang restaurants – used with permission of Ban Lee Siang is a well known satay celup restaurant in Melaka. It consists of two adjoining shops operated by two different owners who are brothers. The shop was started by their other brother in 1987. Although both restaurants are named “Ban Lee Siang”, they…

  • Bread & Kaya: Liking a Facebook page and the law

    Bread & Kaya: Liking a Facebook page and the law Foong Cheng Leong Aug 14, 2014 – ‘Liking’ a page doesn’t necessary mean you agree with it – Using Sedition Act for what you ‘Like’ sets dangerous precedent THE recent report that Malaysian police are investigating a Penang teenager under the Sedition Act 1948 for…

  • Unknown Caribbean company files for MH17 trademark

    I was quoted by Digital News Asia in their article “Unknown Caribbean company files for MH17 trademark” published on 22 July 2014. Unknown Caribbean company files for MH17 trademark Gabey Goh Jul 22, 2014 – Trademark applications filed for ‘MH17’ & ‘MH370’ for use in EU – Case of companies or individuals using trademark register…

  • BFM Podcast: Revenge Porn

    I was interviewed by BFM Radio to talk about revenge porn on 22 July 2014. Your browser does not support native audio, but you can download this MP3 to listen on your device. The availability of affordable smartphones and cheap mobile data are contributing to the rise of sextortion, the non-consensual publication online of explicit…

  • Bread & Kaya: Cyberstalking, harassment … and road rage

    Bread & Kaya: Cyberstalking, harassment … and road rage Foong Cheng Leong Jul 17, 2014 – No specific Malaysian law that criminalises stalking or harassment – Singapore has enacted such laws, and Malaysia should follow suit THE recent case of a blogger complaining that she had been harassed and stalked by a fan got me…

  • [No. 5/2014] Guide On The Management Of CCTV Under Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2010

    The Malaysia Personal Data Protection Commissioner (Commissioner) has published a proposal paper entitled, “Guide On The Management Of CCTV Under Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2010”. This proposal paper aims to provide guidelines for an individual or organization in the management of CCTV under Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA). Any comments on the Proposal…

  • BFM Podcast: The Right to be Forgotten

    I was interviewed by BFMRadio to talk about privacy laws and the right to be forgotten on 28 May 2014. If your browser does not support native audio, but you can download this MP3 to listen on your device. In what could be a landmark case for internet privacy, the European Court of Justice ruled…

  • Leveraging Big Data

    I was quoted in the May 2014 issue of Personal Money. Leveraging Big Data Personal Finance Written by Emily Chow and Sarah Voon of The Edge Malaysia Friday, 16 May 2014 00:00 UPLOADING photos on Facebook; making an ATM transaction; operating a machine in a factory; making a call from a handphone. On the surface,…

  • Data Protection Conference: Beyond Opt In and Opt Out

    I have been invited to be one of the panelists for the panel session, Jurisdictions and marketplace experience: United States of America, EU, Asia-Pacific, ASEAN and Middle East. Click on the images below for larger view.

  • Malaysia SME and Focus Malaysia

    I am featured in the recent issues of Malaysia SME and Focus Malaysia (Issue #70). Both business weekly covered my views on the Personal Data Protection Act 2010.