Category: Information Technology

  • Bread & Kaya: 2016 Cyberlaw cases – Cyber Court, Facebook fights and hacking

    SEPT 1, 2016 marks the commencement of Malaysia’s first Cyber Court. Consequently, pending cases relating to cybercrime such as PP v Mohd Zaid bin Ibrahim (for a charge under s. 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 for allegedly making an offensive statement while calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Najib Razak) was…


    I was interviewed by BFM Radio to talk about stalking and harassment laws in Malaysia in general on 10 January 2017. Japan just recently introduced laws to ban cyberstalking after a musical artist there was stabbed by a fan. Malaysia, while having laws that deal with harassment, has yet to introduce laws on stalking. We…

  • BFM Podcast: LANDMARK #16: INSULTS

    I was interviewed by BFM Radio to talk about online insults and the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 on 18 July 2016. Last month, a 76-year-old man was arrested by the police for allegedly posting an insulting picture in a Whatsapp group chat. The man, identified as Pa Ya in media reports, was arrested in…

  • SPAD proposal to rename Uber, Grab raises eyebrows

    I was quoted by The Malay Mail Online on the Land Public Transport Commission’s (SPAD) proposal to rename Uber and Grab in their article SPAD proposal to rename Uber, Grab raises eyebrows. Lawyer Foong Cheng Leong told Malay Mail Online that while SPAD could rename both services, it would take more than just a directive…

  • Bread & Kaya: Malaysian cyberlaw updates in 2015

    By Foong Cheng Leong | Apr 04, 2016 – New, complex cases emerged, and Parliament enacted new laws – With the advent of the TPPA, we can expect more changes IN 2015, industry regulator the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) reported that 10 people were convicted of offences under Section 233 of the Communications…

  • Welcome to the future – Technology is changing the way that lawyers work, and a number of Asiabased startups are leading the way

    The FCL&Co Case Law Search App was recently featured in the Asian Law Business (April 2016 Edition) in the article “Welcome to the future – Technology is changing the way that lawyers work, and a number of Asiabased startups are leading the way” by Sergio Held. An extract of the article can be seen here…

  • Malaysia’s legal scene gets up to speed with nifty innovations

    I am pleased to announce that the FCL&Co Case Law Search App was recently featured in the Malay Mail on 7 March 2016.. An excerpt from the article is as follow:- Lawyer Foong Cheng Leong is currently developing an app called FCL&Co Case Law Search that aims to provide a database of court judgments that…