Category: Events
The KL Bar Information Technology and Publications Committee (ITPC) will be organising a one-day Conference on 26 November 2013. The Conference will cover practical legal issues for start-ups with a particular emphasis on the emerging issues such as intellectual property, personal data protection and social media. The purpose is to provide the participants with the…
NYLC Top-Up Series | Tablets and Touch Screens – Transforming Practice through Technology
I will be speaking on this event on 28 October 2013.
BGA Management Series: Licensing & Franchising – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!
This is an introductory workshop for Cafe Owners and Potential Cafe owners to learn more about Licensing and Franchising in ways that they can better protect their investment and interest as well as to expand their business. You will learn: – The basic franchise and licensing laws of Malaysia – Introduction to Malaysia Franchise Laws…
Event: Legal Practice and Research in the Electronic Age
I will be speaking at this event jointly organised by the KL Bar Pupils Welfare Committee and the KL Bar Information Technology & Publications Committee on the topic “Legal Practice and Research in the Electronic Age” Pupils Workshop on Legal Research 2 CPD POINTS (EVENT CODE : 11092013/KLB/KLB1229/2) Dear Pupils-in-Chambers, The KL Bar Pupils Welfare…
Global Information Governance Summit (GIGS 2013)
I will be speaking at the Global Information Governance Summit (GIGS 2013) on the topic “Data Protection concerns in Social Media”. Click on image for larger view Download the brochure here. Note: Fee is now RM100 per delegate and RM50 for students.
Let’s Get hIP in Kinabalu (7 June 2013)
I will be speaking at Kota Kinabalu on the topic “Introduction to Personal Data Protection Act 2010” on 7 June 2013. This event is jointly organised by the Malaysian Bar and Sabah Law Association.
FMM ICT Conference 2013: Going Mobile on 15 May 2013 @ The Royale Bintang Damansara
I will be participating in Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) ICT Conference as a panelist for the “Getting Ready for Mobile” panel discussion. Click on image for larger view
PDC Seminar on The Personal Data Protection Act on 28.05.2013
I will be speaking about the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 at the KL Bar on 28 May 2013. Details are below. 2 CPD Points ( 28052013/KLB/KLB1183/2 ) As part of its Professional Development Programme, the PDC is pleased to present the above Seminar by Mr Foong Cheng Leong on 28.05.2013 (Tuesday) from 3.00pm to…
2nd Annual Employment Law & Industrial Relations Conference – 27 & 28 March 2013
My partner, Dymphna Lanjuran and I will be presenting at this conference. Dymphna will be speaking on “Rightsizing, Redundancy and Retrenchment” at 11.15 a.m. on 27 March, while I will be speaking on “Internet Security, Privacy and Social Media Policies” at 6.00 p.m. on the same date. For more details, please refer to the brochure.