Tag: Capital Markets and Services (Prescription of Securities) (Digital Currency and Digital Token) Order 2019

  • Bread & Kaya: Malaysia’s first digital currency court case

    By Foong Cheng Leong December 17, 2019– Digital currencies can be used to raise funds, make purchases or traded online– Anyone operating a digital assets exchange platform must obtain approval from the SC DIGITAL currencies are a form of digital asset. They can be used to raise funds, purchase goods or services and even traded…

  • Bread & Kaya: 2018 Malaysia Cyber-law and IT Cases PT4 – Commercial cases

    By Foong Cheng Leong May 10, 2019 – 2018 saw the first decision on the liability of online marketplace providers– Damages can be granted in the case of a software delivery delay IN THIS last of a four-part series, I will focus on commercial cases in 2018. Short-term lodging – the Airbnb Effect An online…