[Edited on 24 January 2020]
The Malaysia Court Online File Search System has now implemented a download function. A download button is now located next to each file listed in the search page.
[Edited on 13 December 2017]
In 2016, I posted an article entitled “LegalHack Series: How to download files from the Malaysian Court Online File Search System” (“LegalHack Case Search No. 1“). With the introduction of the new e-Court system (Phase 2), the said search method is no longer usable.
Instead of introducing a new and effective way for users to conduct file search, the new system followed the old method. A user is still required to pay a fee (RM8 and RM12 for a file search in the Subordinate Courts and High Court respectively) and the user is only given 30 minutes to do the search. It is baffling why the Court could not roll out a one-off fee to allow users to download every file instead of forcing them to view them online (ie on their browser). User will have to print the page one by one if they want to have a copy on their computer. This is fine if the document does not have many pages. However, there are a few good features introduced on this new system. For example, the timer will stop if you are loading a page, and Court issued documents (e.g. letters) can also be viewed.
For larger files (20 pages and above), it would be more time efficient to download the entire document rather than printing it one by one. Under the old efiling system, I could download a large amount of files within 30 minutes using the LegalHack Case Search No .1. Nevertheless, it is still possible to download files using Phase 2 but it is slightly more complicated.
I found one possible way (which requires no scripting or complicated software) to do so (click images below to enlarge).
The steps are as follow:-
Step 1: Purchase a Token at https://ecourtservices.kehakiman.gov.my/.
Step 2: Go to the File Search Page. Enter the token code and suit number thereafter.
Step 3: At the Case Information page, click on Document Listing.
Step 4: Choose the file you want and open it. Instead of loading the page one by one and allowing the timer to run, obtain the Serial Number (S/N) of the file at the bottom of each page.
Step 5: Once you obtain the Serial Number, go to the “Pengesahan Dokumen” page at the eCourt website. Enter the Serial Number and click on “Sahkan”. If the Serial Number is correct, you will be able to view the file without a running timer.
Step 6: Each page of the file will load when you scroll to that page. You will need to ensure that every page is full loaded before you do the next step otherwise you will have an empty page.
Step 7: Once all the pages are loaded, right click on the page and click on “Save As”. Save the entire page into a folder of your choice.
Step 8: Then go to the folder “Pengesahan Dokumen_files” and find the file “Viewer.html”. Copy and paste the file “Viewer.html” to another folder.
Step 9: Open the Viewer.html file using your Chrome browser. The file you open now will only show some buttons on the top left side and the content of the file in PNG format.
Step 10: Instead of downloading the PNG files one by one and merging them into a single file, you can save them all into one PDF file by printing the page into PDF (Ctrl + P). Choose “Save as PDF” or any PDF maker of your choice (e.g PDF24 or doPDF). Under More Settings, choose Paper Size A1 and Margins: Default. By saving it in this manner, you will have a nicely formatted PDF file. If the file is not properly formatted, you can change the Paper Size and Margins to get the right fit.
1. Save all the files you need before converting them to PDF.
2. You may need a slightly powerful computer to convert the files into PDF as some files that you download may be very large. I had a 2 Gigabyte file from a 400 page affidavit. However, you can breakdown the conversion of the files by setting the system to print 50 or less pages per print.
Known Bugs:-
1. The eCourt system timer may reset to 0 while doing a file search. You will have to email the eCourt Helpdesk for assistance otherwise you will should purchase another token.
2. If there are two or more cases which have the same suit number (e.g. in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Court), you will be automatically directed to one case and you have no option to choose another case.
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