Category: Intellectual Property

  • Compendium of Malaysian Intellectual Property Cases – Trade Marks

    My first book, Compendium of Malaysian Intellectual Property Cases, will be launched this month or early next month. It is now available for pre-order. Click here to order! This book contains more than seventy (70) reported and unreported cases on Trade Marks from the Malaysian High Court, Court of Appeal and Federal Court. For ease…

  • Apple moves to trademark the term ‘startup’ in Malaysia

    I was quoted by Digital News Asia in their article, “Apple moves to trademark the term ‘startup’ in Malaysia“on 30 August 2013. I understand that the Technopreneurs Association of Malaysia (TeAM) will be taking on Apple’s STARTUP trade mark applications by filing an opposition before the deadline. More details at Digital News Asia. Apple moves…

  • Bread & Kaya: Choosing a good trademark for your startup

    Choosing a good trademark for your startup Foong Cheng Leong Aug 16, 2013 – A descriptive name has its advantages, but can be very hard to protect legally – Register your mark, or you might find yourself in court when you go to market Bread & Kaya by Foong Cheng Leong WHEN George Eastman, founder…

  • 知識經濟時代的來臨‧知識產權保你衣食無憂

    This article was published by Sin Chew in 2009. I didn’t realise that there is a digital copy of the article on its website. It was originally written in English but translated by Sin Chew into Chinese. I am reproducing it here for the benefit of my Chinese readers. Sadly, I am unable to read…

  • Bread & Kaya: Start-ups, get your house in order

    My 4th Bread & Kaya’s column was published on Digital News Asia on 3 April 2013. Bread & Kaya: Start-ups, get your house in order – There are a number of things you need to get done before potential investors do due diligence on your start-up – Seek advice from others, ensure any legal advice…

  • Industrial Designs (Amendment) Act 2013

    The Industrial Designs (Amendment) Act 2013 will come to force on 1 July 2013. In brief, the new amendment provides that a registered industrial design may now be collateralized. It also provide for consideration of public disclosure elsewhere than in Malaysia in determining the novelty of an industrial design. Prior to the amendment, an industrial…

  • Protecting your Intellectual Property Rights in Malaysia

    This article was published in the December 2012 issue of The Bridge, a quarterly magazine published by the Malaysia Canada Business Council. In this article, Mr. Foong Cheng Leong briefly sets out the intellectual property rights protected in Malaysia. Foong Cheng Leong is an Advocate and Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya and also…

  • BFM Podcast: Intellectual Property Rights and Social Media

    Foong Cheng Leong, a lawyer tells of the intellectual property laws governing social media and what businesses ought to look out for and not infringe. If a business outsources the management of its social media activities, who is responsible for infringements?   Your browser does not support native audio, but you can download this MP3…

  • Symphony Light & Sounds Services Sdn Bhd & Anor v Irwan Shah Bin Abdullah @ D.J Dave & Ors

    Kuala Lumpur High Court Suit No.: S-22-1010-2007 The Plaintiffs initiated an action against Defendants for allegedly misappropriating their copyright by way of fraud and deception. The subject matters in dispute are proposals entitled “Malaysia’s 50 years an illuminating Journey”. The Plaintiffs alleged that the Defendants had secretly sent the subject matter to the Ministry of…

  • AV Future Link Sdn Bhd v Inno Supply & Services Sdn Bhd

    Kuala Lumpur High Court Suit Nos. D-22IP-61-2010 & D-22IP-60-2010 1. Plaintiff initiated claim for unlawful interference. Defendant counterclaimed for industrial designs (“ID”) infringement. The ID was obtained vide a deed of assignment from a Chinese company. 2. Plaintiff claims that the Defendant is not the rightful owner of the ID and that the ID had…