Category: Intellectual Property
Don’t be penny-wise, startups: lawyers
I gave on a talk on Intellectual Property Law for Startup at a firechat sessions titled “Bridge the Gap between Startups and the Law” organised by BurgieLaw held at the Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre (MaGIC) on 9 May 2016. Subsequent to the firechat session, I was featured in The Star in their article…
I was interviewed by BFM Radio to talk about illegal downloading of music, songs etc by internet users and the podcast was published on 28 March 2016. Read: Pharrell Williams, et al. v. Bridgeport Music, Inc., et al. In 2013, the family of Marvin Gaye sued Robin Thicke, Pharrell and their label Universal for copyright…
BFM Podcast: Suing Illegal Downloaders
I was interviewed by BFM Radio to talk about illegal downloading of music, songs etc by internet users on 13 April 2015. The makers of Dallas Buyers Club, the award winning movie starring Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto, have been aggressively going after online pirates in the United States, Australia and now, Singapore. What set…
Report on RWY Sports Law Conference 2014
Click for larger image (Published with permission)
Proposed Trade Marks And Patents (Including Utility Innovations) Fees Revision
The Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) is proposing to increase the filing fees of numerous applications in respect of trade mark and patents (including utility innovations) applications. The reason for the increase is due to “The escalating costs of upgrading the ICT system“. The revision introduces the waiver of certain patents searching fees (online)…
RWY Sports Law Conference 2014
This is my slides presented during RWY Sports Law Conference 2014. Click here download.
Battle of the Satay Celup Restaurants
Ban Lee Siang restaurants – used with permission of Ban Lee Siang is a well known satay celup restaurant in Melaka. It consists of two adjoining shops operated by two different owners who are brothers. The shop was started by their other brother in 1987. Although both restaurants are named “Ban Lee Siang”, they…
Unknown Caribbean company files for MH17 trademark
I was quoted by Digital News Asia in their article “Unknown Caribbean company files for MH17 trademark” published on 22 July 2014. Unknown Caribbean company files for MH17 trademark Gabey Goh Jul 22, 2014 – Trademark applications filed for ‘MH17’ & ‘MH370’ for use in EU – Case of companies or individuals using trademark register…
New Chinese Trademark Law to be implemented on May 1, 2014
Published with permission of Eagle IP Ltd, a Hong Kong and Chinese IP Firm. The Chinese Government announced that the 3rd amendment to the 1982 Trademark Law, passed by the 12th meeting of The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, will be implemented as of May 1, 2014. Below are some major highlights: Multi-class…