Category: Intellectual Property
BFM Podcast: Top 5 at 5: IP Rights for Murals
I was interviewed by BFM Radio to speak about copyright of a mural, and whether any person may use it without permission of the copyright owner. You may listen to my interview below from minute 11:05 onwards. IP Rights for Murals: AirAsia’s unauthorised use of art from Lithuanian artist, Ernest Zacharevic has been panned by…
BFM Podcast: Top 5 At 5: Unauthorised broadcasts of copyrighted content
I was interviewed by BFM Radio to speak about prevalence of online piracy in general arising from the legal action by Astro Malaysia against a nasi kandar chain operator for the unauthorised broadcasts of Astro content in multiple restaurants. The parties entered into a settlement by way of a consent judgment whereby the operator, Thaqwa…
BFM Podcast: Top 5 at 5: Of MOUs And Equal Constituency Allocations
I was interviewed by BFM Radio to speak about the protection of the name “Musang King” for durians. Specifically, it was about the registration set out above by Jabatan Pertanian Negara. Interestingly, the quality, reputation or other characteristic of the durian are set out as the following in the registration (in Malay)- Kualiti, reputasi dan…
Recent and Selected Malaysian Intellectual Property Cases
Credits: Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia On 7 February 2024, I attended a “Teh Tarik” session organised by the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia. I was given the opportunity to deliver a short presentation regarding recent and selected Malaysian Intellectual Property Cases. The presentation slides (revised with links to cases and removal of certain pending…
The MySejahtera saga continues with uncertainty over the ownership of the app. Foong Cheng Leong, Intellectual property and information technology lawyer helps us untangle this complex web, reminding us of the importance of contracts. Produced by: Moh Heng YingPresented by: Wong Shou Ning, Tan Chen Li, Philip See
Does Malaysia have laws to nix ‘offensive’ brand names or ones that cause ‘public anxiety’? Lawyers explain
I was asked by The Malay Mail to give my thoughts on the issue of the word TIMAH by a local whisky brand. The Government has asked the brand owner to consider to change its brand name in view of the alleged public outcry over the use of a Malay word for an alcoholic product.…
Once upon a time, it was considered totally unacceptable for musicians to even consider selling their song catalogues, but now, we see a trend of musicians, especially the senior ones, doing so. Some have cited estate planning as one of the reasons for doing this, but surely, these songs have value too and can be…
Top 5 Steps To Protecting Your Music
By Cheng Leong Foong, Rachel Fung13 March, 2019 As the Internet continues to transform the landscape of the music industry, its players have to navigate and find their place in it. While the age of the Internet has brought new and exciting ways for musicians to reach wider audiences for example through music streaming or…
Withholding Tax Exemption on Payment to Non Residents For Technical Advice, Assistance, etc
The Minister of Finance has granted withholding tax exemption (WHT) on payments to non-residents that fall within Section 4A(i) and (ii) of the Income Tax Act in respect of offshore services via the Income Tax (Exemption) (No. 9) Order 2017. In effect this reverts to the previous position, such that intellectual property services (such as…