I will be speaking at the BFM Takeaway 2019 on 4 November 2019 together with Derek Cheong, Managing Director of Xing Fu Tang Malaysia and Catherine Goh, General Manager of Santan & T&Co under the topic “License to Feed”
Maybe you’ve perfected a family recipe, innovated your very own signature snack or you’re running a restaurant and it’s thriving. Now it’s time to share your business with the rest of Malaysia, perhaps even the world! In this session, we’ll hear from entrepreneurs who have successfully transformed humble home-grown businesses into internationally recognised brands that have put Malaysia on the map. You’ll gain insights into how to master a method of doing business that can be scaled for success and we’ll explore the advantages to licensing your brand or product. We’ll even have a licensing lawyer on board to help you through the nuances of expanding your business.
Wong Shou Ning of BFM will be moderating the Session.
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