Author: FCL


    Once upon a time, it was considered totally unacceptable for musicians to even consider selling their song catalogues, but now, we see a trend of musicians, especially the senior ones, doing so. Some have cited estate planning as one of the reasons for doing this, but surely, these songs have value too and can be…


    Last night, Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp all went down for six hours. We look at the lessons to be learnt from the unprecedented blackout. Produced by: Tasha Fusil, Raihanna AzwarPresented by: Sharmilla Ganesan, Lee Chwi Lynn

  • Bread & Kaya: Practical tips to ensure your electronic contracts are enforceable

    By Foong Cheng Leong and Mira Marie Wong and Nur Faiqah Nadhra – Court decisions on thorny issues of hyperlinked agreements’ enforceability– Heavy price to pay for not reading online terms of any commercial agreement– 8 practical tips to ensure that your electronic contracts are enforceable– Tracking mechanism to track if counterparty accessed terms and…

  • Virtual Conference on Corporate and Commercial Law (6 to 10 Sept 2021)

    I will be speaking in the 4th session on the topic “Digital/Electronic Signature Legislation and Developments” together with Satish Ramachandran and Azrul Abdul Hamid on 7 September 2021. In this session, we will share the history and current development of digital or electronic signature in Malaysia. Do check out the other sessions by the other…

  • The other side of tech

    I was asked by The Edge Malaysia to comment on the collection of personal data by the Malaysian Government, particularly, the data submitting by individuals in compliance with pandemic control related laws. I said- Currently, the PDPA [Personal Data Protection Act 2010] does not apply to the government. This should be addressed, adds Foong Cheng…

  • How much information can be revealed with your IC number?

    I was asked by Malaysiakini to comment on the availability of a person’s identity card number to other members of the public, particularly, by the Government to the members of the members of the public. Open data convenient for public to access In Malaysia, it is not difficult to obtain another person’s IC number as…

  • Microsoft’s data centre region project needs data security laws

    I was asked by The Malaysian Reserve to comment on MICROSOFT Corp’s US$1 billion (RM4 billion) investment to establish its first data centre region in Malaysia, particularly on the data security laws aspect. I said- Bar Council’s Information Technology and Cyber Laws Committee deputy chairman Foong Cheng Leong said new regulations should be introduced to…

  • Phone tapping is the issue, not PKR-Umno pact, says Zaid

    I was asked by Free Malaysia Today to add in to the alleged leaked voice recording of political parties leaders, Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and PKR president Anwar Ibrahim. It was reported that the voice recording was of the two presidents but the source of the leakage is unknown. Zahid Hamidi has claimed that…

  • Tech Talk Friday with Foong Cheng Leong and Arief Imran

    I spoke to Karamjit Singh of Digital News Asia and Nigesh Armon of Leadernomics about the cyberlaw cases of 2020 and how Covid19 has impacted legal practice. Also featured was Arief Imran who spoke about his company, SERV, a player in the digital mobility-related technologies.

  • Bread & Kaya : 2020 Cyberlaw Cases: Cyberlaw in the Covid-19 Era

    Since the Covid-19 pandemic, various aspects of our lives have been drastically changed to establish the new normal. The lockdown caused by the pandemic effectively closed our Courts for many months. Physical attendances were not allowed. Nevertheless, the Judiciary remained committed to ensuring the public’s access to justice. During the early days of the lockdown,…