Month: April 2012

  • Grave repercussions for internet users

    Published on LoyarBurok on 24 April 2012. Dissecting the presumption of fact relating to publication in the controversial new Bill. TheĀ Evidence (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2012Ā was one of the bills rushed and passed by the Parliament recently. Minister in the Prime Ministerā€™s Department, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz, when winding up the Evidence (Amendment) Bill…

  • LegalTech Forum 2012 – Giving Your Practice a 21st Century Byte

    I will be speaking on “Social Media Marketing for Lawyers” at this event on 15 June 2012. Basically, it will be on:- What can your legal practice generate from social media? How to leverage social media for your legal practice? Case Study: What has Malaysian lawyers benefited from social media. Details of this event are…

  • Symphony Light & Sounds Services Sdn Bhd & Anor v Irwan Shah Bin Abdullah @ D.J Dave & Ors

    Kuala Lumpur High Court Suit No.: S-22-1010-2007 The Plaintiffs initiated an action against Defendants for allegedly misappropriating their copyright by way of fraud and deception. The subject matters in dispute are proposals entitled “Malaysia’s 50 years an illuminating Journey”. The Plaintiffs alleged that the Defendants had secretly sent the subject matter to the Ministry of…

  • AV Future Link Sdn Bhd v Inno Supply & Services Sdn Bhd

    Kuala Lumpur High Court Suit Nos. D-22IP-61-2010 & D-22IP-60-2010 1. Plaintiff initiated claim for unlawful interference. Defendant counterclaimed for industrial designs (“ID”) infringement. The ID was obtained vide a deed of assignment from a Chinese company. 2. Plaintiff claims that the Defendant is not the rightful owner of the ID and that the ID had…