Tag: David Lian

  • Trial by Facebook

    I was featured in The Star newspaper in their article entitled “Trial by Facebook” in January 2013. Trial by Facebook Posted: 11th January 2013 by R.AGE in Stories By KEVIN TAN and ANGELIN YEOH alltherage@thestar.com.my MANY memes and posts go viral on the Internet every week, from harmless Chuck Norris jokes to the more factious…

  • Tweetjacked

    This article appeared on Rage following my interview with The Star. Tweetjacked By KEVIN TAN and PHYLLIS HO alltherage@thestar.com.my ONE fine day, Chee Yun Sam, a 22-year-old model, started getting a barrage of angry tweets and messages from his friends. Apparently, Chee had posted something rather racist on his Twitter account, and a lot of…